Regular Membership
Regular members are entitled to unlimited golf and all Regular members in good standing shall have the right to vote at meetings of the corporation, and shall have the rights and privileges of the club and facilities subject to rules established by the Board. A Regular member may transfer at any time to Associate membership.
- Regular Membership Fees
- Initiation Fee of $500
- Dues: $2058 annually, $1039.50 semi-annual, $522.25 quarterly, $175 monthly
Non-Resident Membership
Non-resident membership is open to those whose primary residence is located at least 25 miles from the club. Non-resident members have all the club privileges of Regular members except voting and dissolution rights.
- Non-Resident Membership Fees
- Initiation Fee of $350.00
- Dues: $1411.00 annually, $712.50 semi- annual, $358.00 quarterly, $120.00 monthly
Aquatic Membership
Aquatic members are limited to play golf six times a year on a fee basis and shall have all other privileges of Regular membership except the right to vote and dissolution rights.
- Aquatic Membership Fees
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- Dues: $400.00 paid at time of joining
Junior Membership
Junior members shall have all the rights and privileges accorded Regular Membership except: Junior Members shall not possess the right to vote; shall not be eligible to participate in the division of the proceeds generated by the dissolution of the Club; are not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors; shall pay the initiation fee required of Non-Resident Members at the time that their application is accepted; shall pay one-half the initiation fee upon their acceptance as a Junior Member and one-half not later than the second anniversary of their acceptance as a Junior Member.
Junior Members who have attained the age of thirty must convert their membership to that of a Regular Member and they must pay any difference due to the Club in initiation fees and dues.
- Junior Membership Fees
- No initiation Fee
- Dues: $882.00 annually, simi-annual $445.50, quarterly $223.87, monthly $100.00